Monday, March 14, 2011

My Thoughts....

Recently I was part of an un-named group of women who were discussing the call to do God's work (local, not foreign).  We started talking about things that distract us from doing God's work and getting more involved in church and community service.  Then several of them kept referring to one "distraction" as "little things like kids and our husbands".  Well I was completely flabbergasted!!!!  I may not be as involved with church and community service right now as I would like to be, but I really don't see how neglecting my children and husband to go help others could accompolish anythng of eternal value.  I believe that we should honor one of the first God-ordained establishments first (meaning family) then seek to help others anyway we possibly could.  Jesus dying on the cross even made provisions for his "mother" so I don't beleve Godin anyway wants us to neglect our family, especially our children.  Right now my children are young and I know they need a lot of time and attention but when they are older Marvin and I will be able to focus more on doing things around our community.  Also, we are called to intruct our children in the ways of God and how can we do that if we are constantly passing them off on other people so we can live "our" life.  I truly believe that in raising our children in a godly home and teaching them about God and His word, we are actually doing His work.

 I really wanted to tell a few of them that maybe the children were not the problem but the tanning bed, fitness clubs, shopping trips could be.  That is all.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

My Thoughts....

Recently I was part of an un-named group of women who were discussing the call to do God's work (local, not foreign).  We started talking about things that distract us from doing God's work and getting more involved in church and community service.  Then several of them kept referring to one "distraction" as "little things like kids and our husbands".  Well I was completely flabbergasted!!!!  I may not be as involved with church and community service right now as I would like to be, but I really don't see how neglecting my children and husband to go help others could accompolish anythng of eternal value.  I believe that we should honor one of the first God-ordained establishments first (meaning family) then seek to help others anyway we possibly could.  Jesus dying on the cross even made provisions for his "mother" so I don't beleve Godin anyway wants us to neglect our family, especially our children.  Right now my children are young and I know they need a lot of time and attention but when they are older Marvin and I will be able to focus more on doing things around our community.  Also, we are called to intruct our children in the ways of God and how can we do that if we are constantly passing them off on other people so we can live "our" life.  I truly believe that in raising our children in a godly home and teaching them about God and His word, we are actually doing His work.

 I really wanted to tell a few of them that maybe the children were not the problem but the tanning bed, fitness clubs, shopping trips could be.  That is all.

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