Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Farming, Family, and Friends

Well, spring time is here at the Sheffield house.  Marvin has started putting in more hours at work and before long he wont be here on Saturdays anymore.  It is always hard for me even though I know it is coming, I get so accustomed to having my other half here that when he is gone it takes a while for me to get adjusted.  Both the kids and I will have to move into a new normal and I pray that I am able to do it as stress free as possible for their sake. 

I don't envy people who are able to get their hair cut more than twice a year, who have cable/satellite, or who are able to see a new purse or blouse and be able to pick it up.  I am most envious of people who have family that live in the same town.  I would give anything to have my mother and sister close by.  I imagine having supper fixed for us and setting a few extra places so that they could drop by and eat.  Or being able to pop over to borrow something or get an opinion about an outfit.  I am wallowing in my self pity because Marvin is working late this Friday night and for some reason weekend nights are the hardest.  I really get down knowing I will be spending Friday night alone, I know its silly but I have always looked forward to the weekends.  Not that we ever go anywhere or spend any money, in fact when I tell you about our "normal" Friday night routine you will probably scoff and why I would even care that its not going to happen.  A normal Friday night consists of me preparing 2 frozen Red Baron pizzas and after putting the kids to sleep Marvin and I (and usually his brother John) watch a movie rented from the nearest Red Box Rental.  See not all that impressive.... but its probably one of the biggest highlights of my week that doesn't involve the kids.

I would not be able to make it living away from family and Marvin's demanding job if it were not for my friends.  I am really blessed to have a wonderful group of friends who are there to support me when I get down and who let me vent when I need to blow off steam.  I recently joined a Bunco group and I am really excited about getting to know some new people! My opinion of bunco groups has not been the greatest.  I've always heard it was nothing but a bunch of women who sat around and talked bad about everyone else in town and spread gossip.  Well this group proved my thought wrong!  This group is just what I needed, it's a group of wonderful Christian women who just get together to have a good time and talk about their "own" lives and family.  I am also blessed to have friends who are also stay-at-home moms and their support and advice is greatly cherished.  Its always good to have at least a few people in your "boat" who can relate and are facing the same type of challenges that you are.   Moving to town has provided me with the much needed socialization I would not have gotten in the country.  I am so thankful to all of my friends who have been and will continue to be there through any new changes in our life.  I just hope I don't bug them to death when Marvins gone all the time!

And these two little monsters will always put a smile on my face when I am feeling down:)

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Farming, Family, and Friends

Well, spring time is here at the Sheffield house.  Marvin has started putting in more hours at work and before long he wont be here on Saturdays anymore.  It is always hard for me even though I know it is coming, I get so accustomed to having my other half here that when he is gone it takes a while for me to get adjusted.  Both the kids and I will have to move into a new normal and I pray that I am able to do it as stress free as possible for their sake. 

I don't envy people who are able to get their hair cut more than twice a year, who have cable/satellite, or who are able to see a new purse or blouse and be able to pick it up.  I am most envious of people who have family that live in the same town.  I would give anything to have my mother and sister close by.  I imagine having supper fixed for us and setting a few extra places so that they could drop by and eat.  Or being able to pop over to borrow something or get an opinion about an outfit.  I am wallowing in my self pity because Marvin is working late this Friday night and for some reason weekend nights are the hardest.  I really get down knowing I will be spending Friday night alone, I know its silly but I have always looked forward to the weekends.  Not that we ever go anywhere or spend any money, in fact when I tell you about our "normal" Friday night routine you will probably scoff and why I would even care that its not going to happen.  A normal Friday night consists of me preparing 2 frozen Red Baron pizzas and after putting the kids to sleep Marvin and I (and usually his brother John) watch a movie rented from the nearest Red Box Rental.  See not all that impressive.... but its probably one of the biggest highlights of my week that doesn't involve the kids.

I would not be able to make it living away from family and Marvin's demanding job if it were not for my friends.  I am really blessed to have a wonderful group of friends who are there to support me when I get down and who let me vent when I need to blow off steam.  I recently joined a Bunco group and I am really excited about getting to know some new people! My opinion of bunco groups has not been the greatest.  I've always heard it was nothing but a bunch of women who sat around and talked bad about everyone else in town and spread gossip.  Well this group proved my thought wrong!  This group is just what I needed, it's a group of wonderful Christian women who just get together to have a good time and talk about their "own" lives and family.  I am also blessed to have friends who are also stay-at-home moms and their support and advice is greatly cherished.  Its always good to have at least a few people in your "boat" who can relate and are facing the same type of challenges that you are.   Moving to town has provided me with the much needed socialization I would not have gotten in the country.  I am so thankful to all of my friends who have been and will continue to be there through any new changes in our life.  I just hope I don't bug them to death when Marvins gone all the time!

And these two little monsters will always put a smile on my face when I am feeling down:)

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