Monday, August 5, 2013

Grandparents, Cousins and Broken Bone

Saturday, July 20th Gramma and Granddaddy came for a visit to see the new house.  The kids were so excited about them coming they couldn't stop jumping all over the house.  Marvin grilled out hamburgers on the back patio and after lunch Gramma and I went to pick up Aunt Mel so she could see the house. While we were gone the kids were playing too rough and Camden fell on Neil and broke his collar bone. (something we didn't know for sure until Monday!!)
Sunday we had a cousin's cookout at Stacy's house and it was a blast!!  I have the best memories growing up playing just about every weekend with our Pressgrove cousins and was tickled that Stacy put this together!  I hope to do it again soon we were missing a few people and maybe everyone can make it next time.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Grandparents, Cousins and Broken Bone

Saturday, July 20th Gramma and Granddaddy came for a visit to see the new house.  The kids were so excited about them coming they couldn't stop jumping all over the house.  Marvin grilled out hamburgers on the back patio and after lunch Gramma and I went to pick up Aunt Mel so she could see the house. While we were gone the kids were playing too rough and Camden fell on Neil and broke his collar bone. (something we didn't know for sure until Monday!!)
Sunday we had a cousin's cookout at Stacy's house and it was a blast!!  I have the best memories growing up playing just about every weekend with our Pressgrove cousins and was tickled that Stacy put this together!  I hope to do it again soon we were missing a few people and maybe everyone can make it next time.

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