Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aladdin the Elf

Last year for Christmas Aunt Stacy gave the kids the Elf on the Shelf and Sunday, November 28th he appeared at the Sheffield house for the first time.  We read the kids the story first then let them go find the Elf.  Camden got to name him and she chose Aladdin (can you guess what her favorite movie is right now?).  She was so cute and last night she asked me if he would be hiding in the kitchen in the morning.  I told her I didn't know but of course that's where Marvin decided to hide him.  When she was going to bed she was giving me a hard time and so I told her she needed to mind me so that Aladdin would tell Santa she was good and he would bring her toys.  She thought for a minute then said "well, I already have toys".  I guess this whole elf getting the kids to be good may not work at our house:)  But it is really fun and this morning when we woke up Neil was the first one to find him and they both kept looking up at him and giggling during breakfast. Can't wait to see where he ends up next!

Their first introduction (Neil wouldn't be still for the picture)

Can you see the elf?

Marvin has been very creative in finding ways to keep Aladdin Elf (as Camden calls him) out of their reach.

Breakfast time with a little elf supervision

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sheffield Thanksgiving

On Sunday we went to Inverness to have our second Thanksgiving with Marvin's family.  This year is was a small crowd, just our family, John, and grand-parents but it was great!  The kids had fun and the food was wonderful.... I did bring my camera but you can definitely tell the difference in my camera and Mama's.  Thank goodness for photoshop and picnik!  Marvin, John, and Granddaddy missed the picture session somehow....

If I smile for the camera can I keep my stuff?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Day in the Hills

We celebrated our first round of Thanksgiving festivities in Grenada at Mama's.  The weather and food were great and the visit with family was even better.  The kids had a blast and we are resting up for round two in Inverness on Sunday.

Mama and Haley

Camden entertaining Loren and Leigh


Uncle Greg

Sweet Girl

My babies

Nana and Neil

This little guy has my heart!

Lynn and Loren

Haley and Max

Always busy

Chloe and Uncle John


Friday, November 25, 2011

September fun with Nana

Yesterday I raided Mama's computer and found some really cute pictures of the kids.  I know they are a few months old but I had to share.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rain = Family Time

I spend most of the year looking forward to this time of year for more reason than one.  I love Thanksgiving and Christmas but mostly I love having Marvin around the house more and getting to watch him spend time with the kids.  Neil is really enjoying having his Daddy around more and every time Marvin walks into the room he announces it to everyone.  He has really started talking a lot more, it seems like it was overnight that he went from saying a handful of words to repeating anything you tell him to.

Yes, the kids already have their Christmas trees up and I am so ready that we are putting ours up tomorrow!!  I can't wait to decorate the house and start wrapping presents....

Neil is also really starting to enjoy school.  He still fusses when I leave him but is always playing with other kids when I pick him up and he runs to the door in the mornings yelling "I go, I go!".  He looked so grown up the other day I had to get a picture of him.

And of course Camden had to come get in a picture too.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Alice Virginia

This Saturday we were honored with a visit from the kids godmother and my friend Alice Virginia Daniel.  We had a blast and I just hate the visit had to be so short, keeping our fingers crossed for another visit before Christmas.  Marvin was off Saturday (hallelujah!) and we got our grocery shopping done for the week and a few home improvement projects started. 
Alice Virginia came over a little before lunch, this was her first visit to the new house.  She has been wanting to see Mama's bookstore so we were going to take Camden and have a girls lunch date in Grenada. Right before we were getting ready to leave Camden asked me if she could stay at home with her Daddy! This is huge because she has never turned down an opportunity to see Nana.
We really enjoyed the trip there and the food at Carmella's was wonderful!  Around four Alice's friends came to get her and I headed to one of my weekly cleaning assignments. Once the kids were in bed for the night Marvin, John, and I rented the movie Tracker.  I have been wanting to rent it for several weeks but it was always unavailable at our local redbox rental. 
Today was just as eventful as Saturday.  Sunday school, church, lunch, house cleaning, and an afternoon run. Then we went to church to participate in a ceremony involving several men and their families to sign a pledge that was inspired by the movie courageous.  The men wore suits and we dressed up with them as well. I am so happy to be a part of a church that isn't afraid to place men in their rightful spot as spiritual heads of the family. It was a simple service and Neil only screamed once.  I am also excited about our Christmas card picture this year!!!  My friend April Castle met us at church a little early to try and get a family picture we could use for our Christmas card.  Marvin suggested this time since we would all be dressed up anyway and I am so glad he did!  April got the perfect shot and both kids were cooperating because they like her.  I can't wait to get it back so I can start hunting for the perfect layout!  Yes I am a nerd and yes we live a simple life:)
The only downfall to this weekend was not having the brains to get a picture of Alice Virginia with the kids.  I really hope she comes back soon!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thursday Night

After a mad rush to get the kids loaded up and Marvin home from work on-time we made it to the theater in Grenada. Nana and Pop-Pop met us in the parking lot of the theater and picked up the kids. Marvin and I got to enjoy the first movie together since Neil has been born! And I could not have asked to see a better movie. Courageous was awesome and I recommend it to anyone who has children or planning on having children.

Below is a link for anyone interested in watching a trailer. This is our fourth movie to watch that was produced by Sherwood Baptist Church and all I can say is I hope they don't stop anytime soon!

Courageous - In Theaters Now

It was about a two hour movie and when we finished we stopped in Wendy's for supper. The kids were having a blast at Mama's and Camden even locked herself and Lily in a bedroom when I told her we had to leave.

Great night! And I hope we don't wait a year and a half to do it again:)

Oh, and Thursday was also Camden's Thanksgiving feast at pre-school. They had a snack and gave thanks and collected food for our local food pantry. She even made the cutest placemat and Indian hat.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Camden's 1st Haircut!

I am so proud of Camden!!! Yesterday she went with me and Neil to The Parlor to have her first haircut. She was a little nervous because she still remembered Neil's first and she kept asking me if she was going to cry. But when we got there she sat at the waiting area and flipped through a couple of magazines then when Heather called us over she proudly announced that she wanted to sit in the chair by herself!  Heather had to straighten it first and Camden did so good even when the scissors came out.  Neil on the other hand needed a trim as well and he screamed his head off until he times:)

I didn't have my camera so you will have to bear with low quality phone pictures (maybe one day next year I will be able to own an i-phone again!).

Reading magazines while she waits :)

she looked like a different child with it straight

My little girl is growing up so fast!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall Festival at NGBC

Better late than never :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treating at Preschool

Monday the kids got to wear a costume to school and we loaded up all of the younger ages in wagons and took them trick-or-treating to different businesses downtown.  It really was fun and then we went back to their school for class parties.
Neil got a little restless at about the 3rd business and I had to start giving them candy to keep him in the wagon. 

A puppy and Princess Jasmine

Standing next to his backpack at school

Eating a snack

Camden's class

Camden's class

My child is the only kid who has to peel all the paper off her crayons:)

Ready to get some candy!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aladdin the Elf

Last year for Christmas Aunt Stacy gave the kids the Elf on the Shelf and Sunday, November 28th he appeared at the Sheffield house for the first time.  We read the kids the story first then let them go find the Elf.  Camden got to name him and she chose Aladdin (can you guess what her favorite movie is right now?).  She was so cute and last night she asked me if he would be hiding in the kitchen in the morning.  I told her I didn't know but of course that's where Marvin decided to hide him.  When she was going to bed she was giving me a hard time and so I told her she needed to mind me so that Aladdin would tell Santa she was good and he would bring her toys.  She thought for a minute then said "well, I already have toys".  I guess this whole elf getting the kids to be good may not work at our house:)  But it is really fun and this morning when we woke up Neil was the first one to find him and they both kept looking up at him and giggling during breakfast. Can't wait to see where he ends up next!

Their first introduction (Neil wouldn't be still for the picture)

Can you see the elf?

Marvin has been very creative in finding ways to keep Aladdin Elf (as Camden calls him) out of their reach.

Breakfast time with a little elf supervision

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sheffield Thanksgiving

On Sunday we went to Inverness to have our second Thanksgiving with Marvin's family.  This year is was a small crowd, just our family, John, and grand-parents but it was great!  The kids had fun and the food was wonderful.... I did bring my camera but you can definitely tell the difference in my camera and Mama's.  Thank goodness for photoshop and picnik!  Marvin, John, and Granddaddy missed the picture session somehow....

If I smile for the camera can I keep my stuff?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Day in the Hills

We celebrated our first round of Thanksgiving festivities in Grenada at Mama's.  The weather and food were great and the visit with family was even better.  The kids had a blast and we are resting up for round two in Inverness on Sunday.

Mama and Haley

Camden entertaining Loren and Leigh


Uncle Greg

Sweet Girl

My babies

Nana and Neil

This little guy has my heart!

Lynn and Loren

Haley and Max

Always busy

Chloe and Uncle John


Friday, November 25, 2011

September fun with Nana

Yesterday I raided Mama's computer and found some really cute pictures of the kids.  I know they are a few months old but I had to share.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rain = Family Time

I spend most of the year looking forward to this time of year for more reason than one.  I love Thanksgiving and Christmas but mostly I love having Marvin around the house more and getting to watch him spend time with the kids.  Neil is really enjoying having his Daddy around more and every time Marvin walks into the room he announces it to everyone.  He has really started talking a lot more, it seems like it was overnight that he went from saying a handful of words to repeating anything you tell him to.

Yes, the kids already have their Christmas trees up and I am so ready that we are putting ours up tomorrow!!  I can't wait to decorate the house and start wrapping presents....

Neil is also really starting to enjoy school.  He still fusses when I leave him but is always playing with other kids when I pick him up and he runs to the door in the mornings yelling "I go, I go!".  He looked so grown up the other day I had to get a picture of him.

And of course Camden had to come get in a picture too.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Alice Virginia

This Saturday we were honored with a visit from the kids godmother and my friend Alice Virginia Daniel.  We had a blast and I just hate the visit had to be so short, keeping our fingers crossed for another visit before Christmas.  Marvin was off Saturday (hallelujah!) and we got our grocery shopping done for the week and a few home improvement projects started. 
Alice Virginia came over a little before lunch, this was her first visit to the new house.  She has been wanting to see Mama's bookstore so we were going to take Camden and have a girls lunch date in Grenada. Right before we were getting ready to leave Camden asked me if she could stay at home with her Daddy! This is huge because she has never turned down an opportunity to see Nana.
We really enjoyed the trip there and the food at Carmella's was wonderful!  Around four Alice's friends came to get her and I headed to one of my weekly cleaning assignments. Once the kids were in bed for the night Marvin, John, and I rented the movie Tracker.  I have been wanting to rent it for several weeks but it was always unavailable at our local redbox rental. 
Today was just as eventful as Saturday.  Sunday school, church, lunch, house cleaning, and an afternoon run. Then we went to church to participate in a ceremony involving several men and their families to sign a pledge that was inspired by the movie courageous.  The men wore suits and we dressed up with them as well. I am so happy to be a part of a church that isn't afraid to place men in their rightful spot as spiritual heads of the family. It was a simple service and Neil only screamed once.  I am also excited about our Christmas card picture this year!!!  My friend April Castle met us at church a little early to try and get a family picture we could use for our Christmas card.  Marvin suggested this time since we would all be dressed up anyway and I am so glad he did!  April got the perfect shot and both kids were cooperating because they like her.  I can't wait to get it back so I can start hunting for the perfect layout!  Yes I am a nerd and yes we live a simple life:)
The only downfall to this weekend was not having the brains to get a picture of Alice Virginia with the kids.  I really hope she comes back soon!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thursday Night

After a mad rush to get the kids loaded up and Marvin home from work on-time we made it to the theater in Grenada. Nana and Pop-Pop met us in the parking lot of the theater and picked up the kids. Marvin and I got to enjoy the first movie together since Neil has been born! And I could not have asked to see a better movie. Courageous was awesome and I recommend it to anyone who has children or planning on having children.

Below is a link for anyone interested in watching a trailer. This is our fourth movie to watch that was produced by Sherwood Baptist Church and all I can say is I hope they don't stop anytime soon!

Courageous - In Theaters Now

It was about a two hour movie and when we finished we stopped in Wendy's for supper. The kids were having a blast at Mama's and Camden even locked herself and Lily in a bedroom when I told her we had to leave.

Great night! And I hope we don't wait a year and a half to do it again:)

Oh, and Thursday was also Camden's Thanksgiving feast at pre-school. They had a snack and gave thanks and collected food for our local food pantry. She even made the cutest placemat and Indian hat.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Camden's 1st Haircut!

I am so proud of Camden!!! Yesterday she went with me and Neil to The Parlor to have her first haircut. She was a little nervous because she still remembered Neil's first and she kept asking me if she was going to cry. But when we got there she sat at the waiting area and flipped through a couple of magazines then when Heather called us over she proudly announced that she wanted to sit in the chair by herself!  Heather had to straighten it first and Camden did so good even when the scissors came out.  Neil on the other hand needed a trim as well and he screamed his head off until he times:)

I didn't have my camera so you will have to bear with low quality phone pictures (maybe one day next year I will be able to own an i-phone again!).

Reading magazines while she waits :)

she looked like a different child with it straight

My little girl is growing up so fast!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall Festival at NGBC

Better late than never :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treating at Preschool

Monday the kids got to wear a costume to school and we loaded up all of the younger ages in wagons and took them trick-or-treating to different businesses downtown.  It really was fun and then we went back to their school for class parties.
Neil got a little restless at about the 3rd business and I had to start giving them candy to keep him in the wagon. 

A puppy and Princess Jasmine

Standing next to his backpack at school

Eating a snack

Camden's class

Camden's class

My child is the only kid who has to peel all the paper off her crayons:)

Ready to get some candy!