Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Busy Weekend

Friday Mama came to get Camden so she could spend the night and go to work with her at the bookstore on Saturday.  Neil decided I was boring so Saturday morning we headed to Granny's and picked her up for some shopping and lunch in Grenada.  Neil had a blast with her and I am so glad we got to spend the day together.  We made a quick stop at the bookstore to see how Camden was doing and when she saw me she immediately sat down on the floor and started saying "I'm not ready to go home Mama!".  So we left her there and went to eat lunch and shop a little.  After Neil fell asleep in the car we took her back home then went to Mama's to wait for her to get off work. 

We visited with Nana and Pop-Pop and then headed home to see Marvin. Sunday was a blur, church, lunch, then a visitation for a friend's mom in Indianola, supper and finally bedtime.

Monday and Tuesday was spent trying to catch up on laundry and housework.  The kids school is going on a field trip to a cotton patch on Friday and I'm going too!  Hopefully I can get a couple of pictures...

Below are a couple of picures from the weekend.
Mama got the kids a pumpkin and they had fun putting stickers on them.

Camden has been begging me to make her some polka-dot pants so I finally did.  This is her informing me she does not want to smile for the camera even though she likes her new outfit...

On a more sober note Marvin's sister Denise had a seizure around 4 am and is in the hospital here in Greenwood.  We are all concerned because she has never had one before.  Praying the doctors here are able to find out why and that she never has to go through this again.

Gramma and Granddaddy came to see her and stopped by to visit the kids after they left the hospital.  Neil was unusually cranky and I thought it may just be he needed a nap but after he woke up he was running a fever so off we went to the after-hours clinic.  He has a cold and possibly an ear infection.  We are on antiboitics and he should be better in a couple of days.  The bad thing is they are supposed to take school pictures tomorrow so it looks like Neil will miss them :(  They are going to do another picture of all the kids at the end of the school year so hopefully we won't have to miss that one.

God has answered yet another prayer!  I was able to get another house to clean and I am sooo excited!!! We serve an awesome God who works things out in His timing and as long as I am on this earth I know that His way is always best!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is Here!!!

I am so excited that today is the first official day of fall which means this weekend I can pull out all of the fall decorations!  It also means slightly cooler weather and pumpkins!  I was rummaging through some of my pretty ratty fall decortions and the saddest one of all was our wreath for the door.  My friend Celia showed me a pumpkin door hanger that she made from burlap and it was so cute and soo affordable that I decided to tackle it.  Mine isn't nearly a cute as hers but it's a great improvement from the old faded wreath.  Now all I need is to convince my wonderful husband to fix a wire for it so I can hang it on our front door.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 3 Yellow

I completly forgot to take a picture yesterday for Orange Day, Neil went to school too and I guess it through me off!  Anyway today is yellow....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Color Day at FPK - Red

This week Camden's class is going over colors so they asked us to send the kids in a different color each day this week.  Day 1 is red and I am thankful for the red hand-me-down shoes and Valentine shirt because we had nothing else red in her entire closet! I guess we need to branch out in our wardrobe colors...

Playing with Neil before school

Sweet Girl!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weekend Recap

This Saturday I thought I was dying (not really just felt really bad) so me and the kids went to the after-hours clinic.  The nurse practitioner thought it was just a cold and gave me some medicine that was supposed to help without making me sleepy.  It seemed to help a little but then the fever started and Marvin ended up having to come home a little early to help with the kids.  Being the wonderful husband that he is, he fixed supper and made me a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup! He even took the kids to church Sunday and they spent the remainder of the day at his mom's in Inverness. I haven't been in my house alone for 8 hours since we've had kids.  After catching up on my rest, I decided to tackle the kids closets and now they are both ready for fall!! Thanks to friends my children will not go naked another season :)

Neil's first day at school without me was today and he did great!!!  He screamed bloody murder when I left him but was happily playing when I came to pick him up.  His teacher said he didn't cry long and was happy most of the morning.  This was wonderful news to my ears and I am not as worried about him getting kicked out of preschool. I have been more worried about this since he has seemed to regress in the church nursery.  But he seems to be happy at pre-school!

I've started cleaning houses while they are in school on Tuesday's and Thursday's.  I still need one more house and I've been praying that God will provide it in His time.

So here's to another week!  I hope everyone has a wonderful one.

Friday, September 9, 2011

1st Week of Preschool

This week has flown by and Camden has thoroughly enjoyed every day.  So much so that she literally cries all the way home begging me to let her stay and play a little longer.  Neil has had me in his class both days and he did better the second day, I am hoping that is a good sign for next week. Today was cowboy/cowgirl dress up day and Camden looked really this morning.
Everyday they come home with artwork and a sheet letting me know what and how they did each day.  I have a folder started for each of them and can't wait to start baking for their class parties!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of Preschool!!!

This morning we are headed off to the kids 1st day of preschool!!! It's not as sad for me this week because I got a call yesterday to sub in Neil's class on Tuesday and Thursday :) Maybe by next week he will be a little more adjusted since he will recognize the place and the children.  Any way here are a few pics!  Can't wait to see how Camden enjoys her new school!!!!
Thanks to Aunt Stacy for the bookbags!!! She got them shortly after Neil was born and had their names put on them.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lily's Turns Two!

I'm not sure how I missed blogging about this but I did!  So here is a belated recap of Lily's Cowgirl birthday party that took place on Saturday, August 20th. 
We arrived in Grenada at Nana's for the party and Camden was really excited about getting to ride and pet a real horse.  In her mind it's name was Pinto the Fastest Pony off of a Dora episode and I was so glad when I noticed that the horse was actually marked like the Pinto.  This horse had a different name and it was Spirit.  He was a really large horse though, not at all like the pony I imagined being at the party.  That didn't stop the kids at all though and even Neil loved getting a chance to ride!  There were a ton of people there so I don't have any pictures from after the guests started arriving. 
Lily was so cute in her cowgirl outfit and she really enjoyed her party!  It was a tad warm that day and I don't know how the pregnant people (my sister being one of them) stood it in the heat.  I would not have made it very long. 

This is what they do when you ask them to smile for the camera together

The Birthday Girl

Stacy made the cute barn for the kids to play in

The Cake

Uncle Allen getting acquainted with Spirit

Neil's favorite room at Nana's is her bathroom.  He loves climbing up to the tub and turning on the water then looking at you like he didn't do anything at all.

Camden and Nana

My serious child was having a blast but she had to keep a straight face while having fun.

Neil didn't like being held while he was riding

The kids had a blast!

Summer Sewing Slump

After a couple of months of being in a slump I have finally resumed my sewing!  One of my latest projects has been a dress for Camden made from some fabric Mama gave me.  I was so excited when I finally found the "right" pattern for it!  I love the way it turned out :)

I can't wait for cooler weather so I can make the kids some cute Sunday stuff.  Below are some pictures of my latest projects....

My first attempt at buttons down the back

Sweet girl :)

initial dress with birdie

funky outfit for my cousin's baby

Neil's Pumpkin

    Camden's pumpkin dress looks like the one above Nei's and I made her a matching bow for her hair and got some orange tights to wear incase it gets chilly.     

If you know anyone interested please give them my website

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Busy Weekend

Friday Mama came to get Camden so she could spend the night and go to work with her at the bookstore on Saturday.  Neil decided I was boring so Saturday morning we headed to Granny's and picked her up for some shopping and lunch in Grenada.  Neil had a blast with her and I am so glad we got to spend the day together.  We made a quick stop at the bookstore to see how Camden was doing and when she saw me she immediately sat down on the floor and started saying "I'm not ready to go home Mama!".  So we left her there and went to eat lunch and shop a little.  After Neil fell asleep in the car we took her back home then went to Mama's to wait for her to get off work. 

We visited with Nana and Pop-Pop and then headed home to see Marvin. Sunday was a blur, church, lunch, then a visitation for a friend's mom in Indianola, supper and finally bedtime.

Monday and Tuesday was spent trying to catch up on laundry and housework.  The kids school is going on a field trip to a cotton patch on Friday and I'm going too!  Hopefully I can get a couple of pictures...

Below are a couple of picures from the weekend.
Mama got the kids a pumpkin and they had fun putting stickers on them.

Camden has been begging me to make her some polka-dot pants so I finally did.  This is her informing me she does not want to smile for the camera even though she likes her new outfit...

On a more sober note Marvin's sister Denise had a seizure around 4 am and is in the hospital here in Greenwood.  We are all concerned because she has never had one before.  Praying the doctors here are able to find out why and that she never has to go through this again.

Gramma and Granddaddy came to see her and stopped by to visit the kids after they left the hospital.  Neil was unusually cranky and I thought it may just be he needed a nap but after he woke up he was running a fever so off we went to the after-hours clinic.  He has a cold and possibly an ear infection.  We are on antiboitics and he should be better in a couple of days.  The bad thing is they are supposed to take school pictures tomorrow so it looks like Neil will miss them :(  They are going to do another picture of all the kids at the end of the school year so hopefully we won't have to miss that one.

God has answered yet another prayer!  I was able to get another house to clean and I am sooo excited!!! We serve an awesome God who works things out in His timing and as long as I am on this earth I know that His way is always best!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is Here!!!

I am so excited that today is the first official day of fall which means this weekend I can pull out all of the fall decorations!  It also means slightly cooler weather and pumpkins!  I was rummaging through some of my pretty ratty fall decortions and the saddest one of all was our wreath for the door.  My friend Celia showed me a pumpkin door hanger that she made from burlap and it was so cute and soo affordable that I decided to tackle it.  Mine isn't nearly a cute as hers but it's a great improvement from the old faded wreath.  Now all I need is to convince my wonderful husband to fix a wire for it so I can hang it on our front door.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 3 Yellow

I completly forgot to take a picture yesterday for Orange Day, Neil went to school too and I guess it through me off!  Anyway today is yellow....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Color Day at FPK - Red

This week Camden's class is going over colors so they asked us to send the kids in a different color each day this week.  Day 1 is red and I am thankful for the red hand-me-down shoes and Valentine shirt because we had nothing else red in her entire closet! I guess we need to branch out in our wardrobe colors...

Playing with Neil before school

Sweet Girl!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weekend Recap

This Saturday I thought I was dying (not really just felt really bad) so me and the kids went to the after-hours clinic.  The nurse practitioner thought it was just a cold and gave me some medicine that was supposed to help without making me sleepy.  It seemed to help a little but then the fever started and Marvin ended up having to come home a little early to help with the kids.  Being the wonderful husband that he is, he fixed supper and made me a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup! He even took the kids to church Sunday and they spent the remainder of the day at his mom's in Inverness. I haven't been in my house alone for 8 hours since we've had kids.  After catching up on my rest, I decided to tackle the kids closets and now they are both ready for fall!! Thanks to friends my children will not go naked another season :)

Neil's first day at school without me was today and he did great!!!  He screamed bloody murder when I left him but was happily playing when I came to pick him up.  His teacher said he didn't cry long and was happy most of the morning.  This was wonderful news to my ears and I am not as worried about him getting kicked out of preschool. I have been more worried about this since he has seemed to regress in the church nursery.  But he seems to be happy at pre-school!

I've started cleaning houses while they are in school on Tuesday's and Thursday's.  I still need one more house and I've been praying that God will provide it in His time.

So here's to another week!  I hope everyone has a wonderful one.

Friday, September 9, 2011

1st Week of Preschool

This week has flown by and Camden has thoroughly enjoyed every day.  So much so that she literally cries all the way home begging me to let her stay and play a little longer.  Neil has had me in his class both days and he did better the second day, I am hoping that is a good sign for next week. Today was cowboy/cowgirl dress up day and Camden looked really this morning.
Everyday they come home with artwork and a sheet letting me know what and how they did each day.  I have a folder started for each of them and can't wait to start baking for their class parties!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of Preschool!!!

This morning we are headed off to the kids 1st day of preschool!!! It's not as sad for me this week because I got a call yesterday to sub in Neil's class on Tuesday and Thursday :) Maybe by next week he will be a little more adjusted since he will recognize the place and the children.  Any way here are a few pics!  Can't wait to see how Camden enjoys her new school!!!!
Thanks to Aunt Stacy for the bookbags!!! She got them shortly after Neil was born and had their names put on them.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lily's Turns Two!

I'm not sure how I missed blogging about this but I did!  So here is a belated recap of Lily's Cowgirl birthday party that took place on Saturday, August 20th. 
We arrived in Grenada at Nana's for the party and Camden was really excited about getting to ride and pet a real horse.  In her mind it's name was Pinto the Fastest Pony off of a Dora episode and I was so glad when I noticed that the horse was actually marked like the Pinto.  This horse had a different name and it was Spirit.  He was a really large horse though, not at all like the pony I imagined being at the party.  That didn't stop the kids at all though and even Neil loved getting a chance to ride!  There were a ton of people there so I don't have any pictures from after the guests started arriving. 
Lily was so cute in her cowgirl outfit and she really enjoyed her party!  It was a tad warm that day and I don't know how the pregnant people (my sister being one of them) stood it in the heat.  I would not have made it very long. 

This is what they do when you ask them to smile for the camera together

The Birthday Girl

Stacy made the cute barn for the kids to play in

The Cake

Uncle Allen getting acquainted with Spirit

Neil's favorite room at Nana's is her bathroom.  He loves climbing up to the tub and turning on the water then looking at you like he didn't do anything at all.

Camden and Nana

My serious child was having a blast but she had to keep a straight face while having fun.

Neil didn't like being held while he was riding

The kids had a blast!

Summer Sewing Slump

After a couple of months of being in a slump I have finally resumed my sewing!  One of my latest projects has been a dress for Camden made from some fabric Mama gave me.  I was so excited when I finally found the "right" pattern for it!  I love the way it turned out :)

I can't wait for cooler weather so I can make the kids some cute Sunday stuff.  Below are some pictures of my latest projects....

My first attempt at buttons down the back

Sweet girl :)

initial dress with birdie

funky outfit for my cousin's baby

Neil's Pumpkin

    Camden's pumpkin dress looks like the one above Nei's and I made her a matching bow for her hair and got some orange tights to wear incase it gets chilly.     

If you know anyone interested please give them my website