Sunday, August 15, 2010

Single Parent: Week 1

As most of you know, Marvin works for farmers and although we have been together 6 years, I still have trouble with harvest season.  I come from a long line of non-farmers and am not used to all of the long long long hours they have to put in to get the crop in before the rain.  This was the first full week of harvesting of 2010 and here is how I managed to get through it and keep what little bit of sanity I have left.

Monday - We went to visit Mrs. Pinion in Indianola and got back around 1:00 then Jill and her three stopped by for a quick visit.  Uncle Allen came over around 4:00 to try and fix our laptop.  And low and behold God sent a rain! Marvin actually got home at 5:30 and we had supper together as a family.

Tuesday - Had some house cleaning and ironing to catch up on and after lunch Kara and Rachel stopped by for a quick visit.  Then after supper Jennifer and Libby came over for a little bit.  Camden adores Libby but won't say a word the whole time she is here!! Marvin got in at 10:00 just as I was finishing the last bit of vaccuming.

Wednesday - Neil had his 4 month check-up at 10:00 and Gramma graciously offered to come help.  We got there at 10:00 and didn't get to a room until 12:00! Finally got home with two exhausted babies and adults. He checked out fine, weighs 13.5 lbs and is developing just as he is supposed to.  Shots were terrible as usual but I guess they have to get them.  I am sooo grateful for a wonderful family and friends and could not be the person I am without their support!  Marvin got home around 11 p.m.

Thursday - We had a playdate with Chloe, Ella, and Rachel at 9:30 at our house!  It has already been soo much easier getting together with friends being this close to everyone. Neil was still a little fussy from the shots but getting better.  Lindsey even invited us for supper!  It was so nice to have such a busy day and Camden and Chloe are playing together better and better all the time.  We are so blessed to have Christian friends who have children the same age as ours! I know we will all appreciate it when our tots turn to teens and have friends where the parents are one the same moral scale.

Friday - This day was by far the hardest...Camden cried for Marvin several times and I had to fight real hard not to cry with her.  After supper she started asking for him again and I couldn't take it anymore so we loaded up and went to the field he was harvesting in. She was so excited when I told her we were going to see Daddy, she had not seen him since Monday!  She got to ride in a combine with him for the first time and loved it.  Leaving him was hard and she kept saying "Mommy, Daddy back, Daddy back" all the way home and didn't want me to take her out of the car.  But I was glad she at least got to see him for a little bit because it will be Sunday before she sees him again.

Saturday - Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse than being alone on a Saturday, Marvin called and said he would be home by 6:30 in time to play with Camden and help out with bath time!  She was so happy to have him home that she wanted to play dress-up with him and insisted that he be the one to dress her and did not want me helping at all.  Neil was content to relax in the beanbag in her room and take in all the excitement.

"you do realize I am a boy on a pink beanbag right?"

Playing dress-up with Daddy!

So thankful for all of my friends a family for their support during this stressful time!  I'm prayin for another wonderful week as a "single-parent"!

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Single Parent: Week 1

As most of you know, Marvin works for farmers and although we have been together 6 years, I still have trouble with harvest season.  I come from a long line of non-farmers and am not used to all of the long long long hours they have to put in to get the crop in before the rain.  This was the first full week of harvesting of 2010 and here is how I managed to get through it and keep what little bit of sanity I have left.

Monday - We went to visit Mrs. Pinion in Indianola and got back around 1:00 then Jill and her three stopped by for a quick visit.  Uncle Allen came over around 4:00 to try and fix our laptop.  And low and behold God sent a rain! Marvin actually got home at 5:30 and we had supper together as a family.

Tuesday - Had some house cleaning and ironing to catch up on and after lunch Kara and Rachel stopped by for a quick visit.  Then after supper Jennifer and Libby came over for a little bit.  Camden adores Libby but won't say a word the whole time she is here!! Marvin got in at 10:00 just as I was finishing the last bit of vaccuming.

Wednesday - Neil had his 4 month check-up at 10:00 and Gramma graciously offered to come help.  We got there at 10:00 and didn't get to a room until 12:00! Finally got home with two exhausted babies and adults. He checked out fine, weighs 13.5 lbs and is developing just as he is supposed to.  Shots were terrible as usual but I guess they have to get them.  I am sooo grateful for a wonderful family and friends and could not be the person I am without their support!  Marvin got home around 11 p.m.

Thursday - We had a playdate with Chloe, Ella, and Rachel at 9:30 at our house!  It has already been soo much easier getting together with friends being this close to everyone. Neil was still a little fussy from the shots but getting better.  Lindsey even invited us for supper!  It was so nice to have such a busy day and Camden and Chloe are playing together better and better all the time.  We are so blessed to have Christian friends who have children the same age as ours! I know we will all appreciate it when our tots turn to teens and have friends where the parents are one the same moral scale.

Friday - This day was by far the hardest...Camden cried for Marvin several times and I had to fight real hard not to cry with her.  After supper she started asking for him again and I couldn't take it anymore so we loaded up and went to the field he was harvesting in. She was so excited when I told her we were going to see Daddy, she had not seen him since Monday!  She got to ride in a combine with him for the first time and loved it.  Leaving him was hard and she kept saying "Mommy, Daddy back, Daddy back" all the way home and didn't want me to take her out of the car.  But I was glad she at least got to see him for a little bit because it will be Sunday before she sees him again.

Saturday - Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse than being alone on a Saturday, Marvin called and said he would be home by 6:30 in time to play with Camden and help out with bath time!  She was so happy to have him home that she wanted to play dress-up with him and insisted that he be the one to dress her and did not want me helping at all.  Neil was content to relax in the beanbag in her room and take in all the excitement.

"you do realize I am a boy on a pink beanbag right?"

Playing dress-up with Daddy!

So thankful for all of my friends a family for their support during this stressful time!  I'm prayin for another wonderful week as a "single-parent"!

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