Saturday, March 16, 2013

Baby Shower for Leah

Today I was able to help host a baby shower for Leah (Marvin's middle sister) who is the happiest pregnant person I know.  She and Brian are expecting their first baby in June and her name will be Sophia Rose. The shower was held in Inverness and there was a wonderful crowd!  Stacy graciously offered to come watch our kiddos so I would be able to actually help out at the shower.

So many people came that it gave me an excuse to use the panoramic function on my phone. (not that I needed much of an excuse)

Sophia Rose is a miracle, as are all babies, however pregnancies after infertility and miscarriages always hold a special place in my heart.  There is no way to describe to someone else the longing you feel when you want to be a mother so bad and nothing happens.  Sophia Rose has been prayed for and will continue to be her entire life and I can't wait to meet her!

I wish I looked and felt as great as she does during my pregnancies!

Denise, Leah, & Ellouise (aka Gramma)

BA was so cute at the end of my picture!

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Baby Shower for Leah

Today I was able to help host a baby shower for Leah (Marvin's middle sister) who is the happiest pregnant person I know.  She and Brian are expecting their first baby in June and her name will be Sophia Rose. The shower was held in Inverness and there was a wonderful crowd!  Stacy graciously offered to come watch our kiddos so I would be able to actually help out at the shower.

So many people came that it gave me an excuse to use the panoramic function on my phone. (not that I needed much of an excuse)

Sophia Rose is a miracle, as are all babies, however pregnancies after infertility and miscarriages always hold a special place in my heart.  There is no way to describe to someone else the longing you feel when you want to be a mother so bad and nothing happens.  Sophia Rose has been prayed for and will continue to be her entire life and I can't wait to meet her!

I wish I looked and felt as great as she does during my pregnancies!

Denise, Leah, & Ellouise (aka Gramma)

BA was so cute at the end of my picture!

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