Tuesday, August 23, 2011

12 hours and counting...

Last night around bath time I noticed we were missing Neil's pacifier. We have lost all but that one and I was usually dilligent about keeping up with the last one but somehow yesterday it got misplaced.  I just knew I would find it before bedtime but I didn't.  I was even in the yard last night at 8:30 with a flashlight looking for it! Marvin worked late so I couldn't run to the store and get another so we just made do without it (meaning he got to fuss for 30 minutes before finally falling asleep).  Still no sign of it today so it looks like my baby is paci-free...that is if he makes it through nap-time with not a lot of mess. So if today goes good and I don't have to buy another one his Daddy will be proud!  I really think I am just as attached to him having one as he is and I'm sure it's because I know he is my last baby and part of me wants to keep him that way...

On a technical note the cord that connects my camera to the computer decided to die so until I get a card reader (and I pray that solves the problem) I can't upload any pictures to the computer.  I'm sure this is trivial to most people but I really am a nerd when it comes to cataloging and organizing my pictures so getting one will be a priority for me. (that is unless they end up costing an arm and a leg)

Time to go hose off the kids!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

12 hours and counting...

Last night around bath time I noticed we were missing Neil's pacifier. We have lost all but that one and I was usually dilligent about keeping up with the last one but somehow yesterday it got misplaced.  I just knew I would find it before bedtime but I didn't.  I was even in the yard last night at 8:30 with a flashlight looking for it! Marvin worked late so I couldn't run to the store and get another so we just made do without it (meaning he got to fuss for 30 minutes before finally falling asleep).  Still no sign of it today so it looks like my baby is paci-free...that is if he makes it through nap-time with not a lot of mess. So if today goes good and I don't have to buy another one his Daddy will be proud!  I really think I am just as attached to him having one as he is and I'm sure it's because I know he is my last baby and part of me wants to keep him that way...

On a technical note the cord that connects my camera to the computer decided to die so until I get a card reader (and I pray that solves the problem) I can't upload any pictures to the computer.  I'm sure this is trivial to most people but I really am a nerd when it comes to cataloging and organizing my pictures so getting one will be a priority for me. (that is unless they end up costing an arm and a leg)

Time to go hose off the kids!

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