Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 Years, Baby Beds, and New House

WOW!! We finally have internet access as well as a tiny path through the boxes to the computer. I wanted to blog our progress of moving but after the second day I realized that would be impossible.  These past two weeks have been a blur and I can't begin to recap all of our progress.  We could not have done any of it without the help of our family and friends and we are very appreciative of all the sweat, blood, and tears that went in to getting us moved and settled.

When we moved we decided to put Camden in her new toddler bed from the start and she has done wonderfully.  She did fall out the first few nights but was back in the bed by the time I rounded the corner to her room.  I am so glad we are able to put her to bed with ease.  Neil on the other hand has decided that it would be nice to start getting up 4 or 5 times a night.  I thought we were keeping him up (since we have been staying up a lot later than usual trying to make a dent in the boxes) so I set up his crib and we tried that last night.  However that didn't help either, I am hoping he is just going through a growth spurt and will settle back into one middle of the night feeding.

Today is our 6 year wedding anniversary!!  I can't believe it has been six years already.  I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive husband and I could not dream of a better father to our kids.

 Nana came today while Marvin was at work and brought the new shower curtains she sewed for us and kept the children busy so I could get some stuff done.  Then she worked on the blinds we have put up fitting them to the windows and helped me fold a ton of clothes.  After she left Gramma and Granddaddy came to watch the kids while Marvin and I went out to eat for our anniversary/Mother's Day/Father's Day meal.  We were going to branch out and leave town then decided at the last minute to stay close so we ate at Delta Bistro.  I was concerned about leaving Neil for too long since he gets fussy in the afternoons and isn't taking a bottle that great right now.  We enjoyed our meal together and ironically had a lot to talk about and believe it or not we didn't even bring up the kids!

The cats are adjusting just fine and although they went into hiding for the first couple of days they have clearly made theirselves "at home" in the new house and are doing great.  The dogs are having a little harder time adjusting to being fenced in all the time but so far we have only had one night of barking.

As soon as we get all the doors on the kitchen cabinets I can start posting before and after pictures.  The kitchen and breakfast area are the closest areas to being finished. I really hope to be completly decorated and rid of boxes by August 1st because that's when my ironing business will start back up! Wish me luck and pray that Marvin holds up through all of my honey-do's until we get everything in place.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 Years, Baby Beds, and New House

WOW!! We finally have internet access as well as a tiny path through the boxes to the computer. I wanted to blog our progress of moving but after the second day I realized that would be impossible.  These past two weeks have been a blur and I can't begin to recap all of our progress.  We could not have done any of it without the help of our family and friends and we are very appreciative of all the sweat, blood, and tears that went in to getting us moved and settled.

When we moved we decided to put Camden in her new toddler bed from the start and she has done wonderfully.  She did fall out the first few nights but was back in the bed by the time I rounded the corner to her room.  I am so glad we are able to put her to bed with ease.  Neil on the other hand has decided that it would be nice to start getting up 4 or 5 times a night.  I thought we were keeping him up (since we have been staying up a lot later than usual trying to make a dent in the boxes) so I set up his crib and we tried that last night.  However that didn't help either, I am hoping he is just going through a growth spurt and will settle back into one middle of the night feeding.

Today is our 6 year wedding anniversary!!  I can't believe it has been six years already.  I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive husband and I could not dream of a better father to our kids.

 Nana came today while Marvin was at work and brought the new shower curtains she sewed for us and kept the children busy so I could get some stuff done.  Then she worked on the blinds we have put up fitting them to the windows and helped me fold a ton of clothes.  After she left Gramma and Granddaddy came to watch the kids while Marvin and I went out to eat for our anniversary/Mother's Day/Father's Day meal.  We were going to branch out and leave town then decided at the last minute to stay close so we ate at Delta Bistro.  I was concerned about leaving Neil for too long since he gets fussy in the afternoons and isn't taking a bottle that great right now.  We enjoyed our meal together and ironically had a lot to talk about and believe it or not we didn't even bring up the kids!

The cats are adjusting just fine and although they went into hiding for the first couple of days they have clearly made theirselves "at home" in the new house and are doing great.  The dogs are having a little harder time adjusting to being fenced in all the time but so far we have only had one night of barking.

As soon as we get all the doors on the kitchen cabinets I can start posting before and after pictures.  The kitchen and breakfast area are the closest areas to being finished. I really hope to be completly decorated and rid of boxes by August 1st because that's when my ironing business will start back up! Wish me luck and pray that Marvin holds up through all of my honey-do's until we get everything in place.

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