Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bubble Bath

Our week was stressful to say the least. I took Camden to the doctor twice; she ended up just having a fever virus but happens to be cutting 6 teeth at one time! Wednesday I had a preschool committee meeting and Marvin ended up working late. Not wanting to miss the meeting I loaded up my cranky child and off to church we went, only to discover that no one else had showed up for the meeting:)

Thursday I had a doctor's appointment in Jackson and my babysitter called to say she was sick and couldn't keep Camden, so off we went. On the way to Jackson my doctor called and said she would be in surgery during my scheduled appointment and asked if we could change the time. Luckily I had planned on running some errands anyway and they were able to work me in right after lunch. I am also fourtunate to have a doctor that would call me personally because she knows I have a 2 hour drive! How many doctors today would do that, we really love Dr. Cole! Camden was a wonderful trooper through the shopping and even in the waiting room. The only time she even whimpered was on the way home when she woke up unexpectedly from her nap and wouldn't go back to sleep.

Friday was pretty much normal and we actually got to take Camden out for a little bit to play in the beautiful weather. And I think we all went to bed at 8:00 that night:)

Saturday morning Marvin left early to work on combines for his brother-in-law and Camden got me up around 6:30. I tried to "deep clean" the house while he was gone, however cleaning 20 windows and 2 bathrooms with a baby on my hip and one in my stomach pretty much wore me slap out! Camden has not been herself and I hope these teeth come in soon. Marvin came home around lunch and after we ate we all went outside for the afternoon. Camden and I played in the yard while Marvin worked on trying to organize the storage shed. Camden didn't run any fever at all but she was clearly still in pain with her teeth.

Today was my day to work the desk at church through Sunday school and morning worship. We tried to go out for a bite of Mexican food, however Camden hasn't had much of an appetite and she wasn't a happy camper.

As I am writing this my wonderful husband is getting out of church in the pouring rain and headed to do our weekly grocery shopping at Wal-Mart! I am really blessed to have a husband willing to pitch in and help out. He has been sooo helpful since the day Camden was born, I honestly don't think I could make it without him. The highlight of Camden's day (and probably her week) was the bubble bath she took tonight (see pics below), I really hope she starts to feel like herself soon. I am used to having an independant child and having one glued to my hip is wearing me down fast. We still have a ton to be thankful for and tomorrow is a new week!! Praying that it will be better:)

For some reason she likes to eat the bubbles!

and drink them...

and lick them.

Taken a day after her "big head bump"
She was excited about her Gramma and Aunt Denise coming for a visit.

Warm kitties under my feather blanket.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bubble Bath

Our week was stressful to say the least. I took Camden to the doctor twice; she ended up just having a fever virus but happens to be cutting 6 teeth at one time! Wednesday I had a preschool committee meeting and Marvin ended up working late. Not wanting to miss the meeting I loaded up my cranky child and off to church we went, only to discover that no one else had showed up for the meeting:)

Thursday I had a doctor's appointment in Jackson and my babysitter called to say she was sick and couldn't keep Camden, so off we went. On the way to Jackson my doctor called and said she would be in surgery during my scheduled appointment and asked if we could change the time. Luckily I had planned on running some errands anyway and they were able to work me in right after lunch. I am also fourtunate to have a doctor that would call me personally because she knows I have a 2 hour drive! How many doctors today would do that, we really love Dr. Cole! Camden was a wonderful trooper through the shopping and even in the waiting room. The only time she even whimpered was on the way home when she woke up unexpectedly from her nap and wouldn't go back to sleep.

Friday was pretty much normal and we actually got to take Camden out for a little bit to play in the beautiful weather. And I think we all went to bed at 8:00 that night:)

Saturday morning Marvin left early to work on combines for his brother-in-law and Camden got me up around 6:30. I tried to "deep clean" the house while he was gone, however cleaning 20 windows and 2 bathrooms with a baby on my hip and one in my stomach pretty much wore me slap out! Camden has not been herself and I hope these teeth come in soon. Marvin came home around lunch and after we ate we all went outside for the afternoon. Camden and I played in the yard while Marvin worked on trying to organize the storage shed. Camden didn't run any fever at all but she was clearly still in pain with her teeth.

Today was my day to work the desk at church through Sunday school and morning worship. We tried to go out for a bite of Mexican food, however Camden hasn't had much of an appetite and she wasn't a happy camper.

As I am writing this my wonderful husband is getting out of church in the pouring rain and headed to do our weekly grocery shopping at Wal-Mart! I am really blessed to have a husband willing to pitch in and help out. He has been sooo helpful since the day Camden was born, I honestly don't think I could make it without him. The highlight of Camden's day (and probably her week) was the bubble bath she took tonight (see pics below), I really hope she starts to feel like herself soon. I am used to having an independant child and having one glued to my hip is wearing me down fast. We still have a ton to be thankful for and tomorrow is a new week!! Praying that it will be better:)

For some reason she likes to eat the bubbles!

and drink them...

and lick them.

Taken a day after her "big head bump"
She was excited about her Gramma and Aunt Denise coming for a visit.

Warm kitties under my feather blanket.

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