Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bye Bye Bottle!

So, apparently taking a baby off of the bottle is much more traumatizing for the mother than the baby! We were prepared to take Camden off the bottle at her 12 month well-baby check-up however she was sick and the doctor suggested we wait until she got better. Then the next week was Christmas and I didn't want to traumatize her that week. The week after was her official well-baby check-up with shots and I convinced myself that we needed to wait until after the first in case she ran fever and was cranky with the shots. Thinking that I could go on and on with excuses of why my baby needed her bottle I made the decision on Thursday, December 31st to stop the bottle. Thank goodness Marvin was there to reassure me Camden was not in any danger of starving to death.

Turns out she didn't even miss the thing and her appetite has actually increased! She has been her normal self and even goes down for naps and bedtime with no more fuss than usual. It's hard to look at her and think "toddler" or "child" because all I can see is the precious little baby that was laid in my arms at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, December 9, 2008. I guess she will continue to hit milestones and grow up but she will forever be my "baby" and no one can take that feeling away from me. I absolutely love being a mother and have more fulfillment caring for her everyday than any job could possibly provide. I truly believe that raising our daughter (and soon our son) is one of the main purposes in my life and for my life. I thank God everyday for the privilege to be Camden's mother and Marvin's wife. We are truly blessed as a family!

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bye Bye Bottle!

So, apparently taking a baby off of the bottle is much more traumatizing for the mother than the baby! We were prepared to take Camden off the bottle at her 12 month well-baby check-up however she was sick and the doctor suggested we wait until she got better. Then the next week was Christmas and I didn't want to traumatize her that week. The week after was her official well-baby check-up with shots and I convinced myself that we needed to wait until after the first in case she ran fever and was cranky with the shots. Thinking that I could go on and on with excuses of why my baby needed her bottle I made the decision on Thursday, December 31st to stop the bottle. Thank goodness Marvin was there to reassure me Camden was not in any danger of starving to death.

Turns out she didn't even miss the thing and her appetite has actually increased! She has been her normal self and even goes down for naps and bedtime with no more fuss than usual. It's hard to look at her and think "toddler" or "child" because all I can see is the precious little baby that was laid in my arms at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, December 9, 2008. I guess she will continue to hit milestones and grow up but she will forever be my "baby" and no one can take that feeling away from me. I absolutely love being a mother and have more fulfillment caring for her everyday than any job could possibly provide. I truly believe that raising our daughter (and soon our son) is one of the main purposes in my life and for my life. I thank God everyday for the privilege to be Camden's mother and Marvin's wife. We are truly blessed as a family!

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