Friday, January 29, 2010

The Little Things


So by now from reading any of this blog, you probably figured out there isn't a whole lot of interesting things that go on at the Sheffield residence. We don't live glamorous lives or go on vacations that anyone would want to go on. But we are happy and I am extremely blessed to get to experience the "little things".
Things like getting to wrestle on the bed with Camden whenever she walks by it and decides it would be fun. Things like feeling extremely proud and happy for her when she walks into the nursery at church ready to play with the other kids for the first time without screaming her head off. (which happened this Wednesday!!!) Things like having her "help" me unload and load the dishwasher and washer and dryer and watching her face light up because she really believes that she is helping me. So what if it takes 10 or 20 minutes to do this.
She is a wonderful child and I am honored to be her mother. I love our life and will continue to document the "little things" that happen so one day when our children are old and out of the house I can look back and remember our times together. God has blessed our family in so many ways I couldn't begin to list them all and I never want to take one day with them for granted.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Sunday

I brought the camera out this past Sunday so I could get some pictures of Camden in her new outfit. She was too busy getting into things to smile but at least I got a few...

Clowning around before bedtime

Camden's new favorite activity is playing on our bed.

Sandy (our cat) decided to come join in the fun.

Mama's Little Helper

While trying to get Camden undressed and ready for a bath last Wednesday I decided the house needed some work. So I proceeded to tidy-up and she was quick to catch on and grabbed an empty trash can to help out! She was sooo cute and enthusiastic about helping me I had to snap a few pictures.

Hey Mama, I want to help.

Silly baby!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Flying Squirrel


So this morning when I walked out of my bedroom I was greeted by a flying squirrel sitting on our printer with our two cats surrounding it! Needless to say this was a fun way to begin our Saturday...

Marvin and Camden came in to "help" me catch the little thing with a shoe box. First we had to lock the cats out of the den, then block off any doorways that might lead to a better hiding place for it. So I have the shoe box and am chasing it around the room like we normally do with the little mice and shrews our cat sometimes brings in. Only this is a flying (and evidently jumping) squirrel. So it proceeds to jump/glide from curtain to curtain and sometimes from picture to picture! Camden was all for the action until in got a running start and jumped clear over her head! Then Marvin started yelling that I should just kill it with the broom by bashing its head in. Those of you who know how I feel about animals and killing things know that wasn't an option for me. So we decide to open the back door and run it outside, shortly after getting the door propped open our dog runs in and starts chasing it around the room. Camden is back to her old self by this time and thinks this is quite amusing. We do eventually catch it and I was able to safely return it outside. I guess this is one of the many pleasures of having pets and living in the country!
Too bad we didn't get any pictures!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Play Ball!

Nana picked up Camden on New Years Day so Marvin and I could finish painting her room. We also took advantage of the time together and went to eat at Crawdad's in Merigold. Camden and P-Paw played with a ball and here are some pics of their time together.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bye Bye Bottle!

So, apparently taking a baby off of the bottle is much more traumatizing for the mother than the baby! We were prepared to take Camden off the bottle at her 12 month well-baby check-up however she was sick and the doctor suggested we wait until she got better. Then the next week was Christmas and I didn't want to traumatize her that week. The week after was her official well-baby check-up with shots and I convinced myself that we needed to wait until after the first in case she ran fever and was cranky with the shots. Thinking that I could go on and on with excuses of why my baby needed her bottle I made the decision on Thursday, December 31st to stop the bottle. Thank goodness Marvin was there to reassure me Camden was not in any danger of starving to death.

Turns out she didn't even miss the thing and her appetite has actually increased! She has been her normal self and even goes down for naps and bedtime with no more fuss than usual. It's hard to look at her and think "toddler" or "child" because all I can see is the precious little baby that was laid in my arms at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, December 9, 2008. I guess she will continue to hit milestones and grow up but she will forever be my "baby" and no one can take that feeling away from me. I absolutely love being a mother and have more fulfillment caring for her everyday than any job could possibly provide. I truly believe that raising our daughter (and soon our son) is one of the main purposes in my life and for my life. I thank God everyday for the privilege to be Camden's mother and Marvin's wife. We are truly blessed as a family!

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Little Things


So by now from reading any of this blog, you probably figured out there isn't a whole lot of interesting things that go on at the Sheffield residence. We don't live glamorous lives or go on vacations that anyone would want to go on. But we are happy and I am extremely blessed to get to experience the "little things".
Things like getting to wrestle on the bed with Camden whenever she walks by it and decides it would be fun. Things like feeling extremely proud and happy for her when she walks into the nursery at church ready to play with the other kids for the first time without screaming her head off. (which happened this Wednesday!!!) Things like having her "help" me unload and load the dishwasher and washer and dryer and watching her face light up because she really believes that she is helping me. So what if it takes 10 or 20 minutes to do this.
She is a wonderful child and I am honored to be her mother. I love our life and will continue to document the "little things" that happen so one day when our children are old and out of the house I can look back and remember our times together. God has blessed our family in so many ways I couldn't begin to list them all and I never want to take one day with them for granted.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Sunday

I brought the camera out this past Sunday so I could get some pictures of Camden in her new outfit. She was too busy getting into things to smile but at least I got a few...

Clowning around before bedtime

Camden's new favorite activity is playing on our bed.

Sandy (our cat) decided to come join in the fun.

Mama's Little Helper

While trying to get Camden undressed and ready for a bath last Wednesday I decided the house needed some work. So I proceeded to tidy-up and she was quick to catch on and grabbed an empty trash can to help out! She was sooo cute and enthusiastic about helping me I had to snap a few pictures.

Hey Mama, I want to help.

Silly baby!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Flying Squirrel


So this morning when I walked out of my bedroom I was greeted by a flying squirrel sitting on our printer with our two cats surrounding it! Needless to say this was a fun way to begin our Saturday...

Marvin and Camden came in to "help" me catch the little thing with a shoe box. First we had to lock the cats out of the den, then block off any doorways that might lead to a better hiding place for it. So I have the shoe box and am chasing it around the room like we normally do with the little mice and shrews our cat sometimes brings in. Only this is a flying (and evidently jumping) squirrel. So it proceeds to jump/glide from curtain to curtain and sometimes from picture to picture! Camden was all for the action until in got a running start and jumped clear over her head! Then Marvin started yelling that I should just kill it with the broom by bashing its head in. Those of you who know how I feel about animals and killing things know that wasn't an option for me. So we decide to open the back door and run it outside, shortly after getting the door propped open our dog runs in and starts chasing it around the room. Camden is back to her old self by this time and thinks this is quite amusing. We do eventually catch it and I was able to safely return it outside. I guess this is one of the many pleasures of having pets and living in the country!
Too bad we didn't get any pictures!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Play Ball!

Nana picked up Camden on New Years Day so Marvin and I could finish painting her room. We also took advantage of the time together and went to eat at Crawdad's in Merigold. Camden and P-Paw played with a ball and here are some pics of their time together.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bye Bye Bottle!

So, apparently taking a baby off of the bottle is much more traumatizing for the mother than the baby! We were prepared to take Camden off the bottle at her 12 month well-baby check-up however she was sick and the doctor suggested we wait until she got better. Then the next week was Christmas and I didn't want to traumatize her that week. The week after was her official well-baby check-up with shots and I convinced myself that we needed to wait until after the first in case she ran fever and was cranky with the shots. Thinking that I could go on and on with excuses of why my baby needed her bottle I made the decision on Thursday, December 31st to stop the bottle. Thank goodness Marvin was there to reassure me Camden was not in any danger of starving to death.

Turns out she didn't even miss the thing and her appetite has actually increased! She has been her normal self and even goes down for naps and bedtime with no more fuss than usual. It's hard to look at her and think "toddler" or "child" because all I can see is the precious little baby that was laid in my arms at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, December 9, 2008. I guess she will continue to hit milestones and grow up but she will forever be my "baby" and no one can take that feeling away from me. I absolutely love being a mother and have more fulfillment caring for her everyday than any job could possibly provide. I truly believe that raising our daughter (and soon our son) is one of the main purposes in my life and for my life. I thank God everyday for the privilege to be Camden's mother and Marvin's wife. We are truly blessed as a family!