Monday, September 30, 2013

Random September Pics!

I was cleaning off my phone and needed a place to put my some of my favorites so I could use the extra space!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fun With Oreo

I was worried about adding another pet to the mix with the kids being so small but they have really surprised me!  They are both super helpful and don't mind (sometimes actually fight to get there first) helping with feeding and caring for this little runt.  All in all I am happy he came into our life!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Oreo's Arrival

So as I am driving back from taking the kids to school my phone rings.  It's Allen asking me to turn around and come to a gas station in town and then he hangs up.  SO I do what any good sister-in-law would do and head that way.  When I get there he says "Hey I am running late getting the girls to school and there is a kitten that keeps getting under peoples cars, go get it".   Being the animal lover that I am I cannot simply drive away and I oblige only to find a super dirty, under-fed, very tiny kitten.  I take it to the vet and they estimate his age to be less that two weeks but give me the number to the animal shelter (which doesn't open until after lunch).  They give me enough food and a bottle for it and some flea spray and send me on my way.  Once I finally get the animal shelter on the phone they inform me that since he is under 2 weeks and they don't have a nursing mom that they will euthanize it if I bring him in.  So his name is Oreo and he is staying!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Random September Pics!

I was cleaning off my phone and needed a place to put my some of my favorites so I could use the extra space!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fun With Oreo

I was worried about adding another pet to the mix with the kids being so small but they have really surprised me!  They are both super helpful and don't mind (sometimes actually fight to get there first) helping with feeding and caring for this little runt.  All in all I am happy he came into our life!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Oreo's Arrival

So as I am driving back from taking the kids to school my phone rings.  It's Allen asking me to turn around and come to a gas station in town and then he hangs up.  SO I do what any good sister-in-law would do and head that way.  When I get there he says "Hey I am running late getting the girls to school and there is a kitten that keeps getting under peoples cars, go get it".   Being the animal lover that I am I cannot simply drive away and I oblige only to find a super dirty, under-fed, very tiny kitten.  I take it to the vet and they estimate his age to be less that two weeks but give me the number to the animal shelter (which doesn't open until after lunch).  They give me enough food and a bottle for it and some flea spray and send me on my way.  Once I finally get the animal shelter on the phone they inform me that since he is under 2 weeks and they don't have a nursing mom that they will euthanize it if I bring him in.  So his name is Oreo and he is staying!