Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gingham = warmer weather

Ok, as most of you know I have been sewing a lot lately for everyone else.  So I finally decided to make time to sew an outfit for Neil.  It's getting close to spring so I wanted it to be something he could wear all spring and summer.  Marvin is a little hard to please so we settled on brown gingham.

Now all I need to do is find some pink or green to make a dress or outfit for Camden :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Neil 10 Months!

A huge thanks to Lindsey, Marley, and Hollie for these fantastic pictures!!!!! I am officialy not the worst mom in th world now.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Charlotte's Web and Grandparents

Last Tuesday Gramma and Granddaddy came over to watch Neil for a few hours while Lindsey, Chloe, Camden and I went to a play. It was Charlotte's Web at Delta State University and we had great time! It lasted a little longer than the other plays so she got a little antsy towards the end. But she really enjoyed it and kept talking about all of the characters and how silly they were. Neil had a great day with Gramma and Granddaddy and the kids spent the rest of the day outside enjoying this beautiful weather! I tried to take some pictures of them but could not get a decent picture! Then on Thursday Lindsey came over to take some pics of him too, I really hope a few of them turn out.  I feel like the worst mother in the world to Neil because we have soo many good pictures of Camden her first year. Lindsey doesn't know this yet but if a few turn out good she will become our new family photographer :)

Here are a few of my pictures and you can see why photography will never be my forte`.

Being silly outside

Playing with new Valentine's from Gramma and Granddaddy

The picture I was trying to get was of her actually talking to the cast!
And they were all really sweet to pose for my picture!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Days!!!!

Yesterday we got the most snow I've ever seen (in the delta anyway)!!! Camden has been back out in it today as well.  Neil has just gotten over a cold so we did't chance him getting out in it this time. Thanks to Lindsey we made snow-cream with her super easy recipe. Check out the pics!

Lindsey's snow-cream recipe for anyone interested, I like this one because it has ingredients in it that we already have in the house and it didn't call for eggs. 

1 Gallon Snow
2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp vanilla

On another note I have neglected my blog because of my ironing, sewing, and all of my other responsibilities and actually considered letting it go for a while.  However after some interesting reading last night, I have decided that I will make blogging a priority.  It's the one thing that I can do for myself that doesn't cost anything and allows me to keep a record of the kids.  I am going to find a time and designate it once a week to blog :) I hope I can stick with it!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gingham = warmer weather

Ok, as most of you know I have been sewing a lot lately for everyone else.  So I finally decided to make time to sew an outfit for Neil.  It's getting close to spring so I wanted it to be something he could wear all spring and summer.  Marvin is a little hard to please so we settled on brown gingham.

Now all I need to do is find some pink or green to make a dress or outfit for Camden :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Neil 10 Months!

A huge thanks to Lindsey, Marley, and Hollie for these fantastic pictures!!!!! I am officialy not the worst mom in th world now.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Charlotte's Web and Grandparents

Last Tuesday Gramma and Granddaddy came over to watch Neil for a few hours while Lindsey, Chloe, Camden and I went to a play. It was Charlotte's Web at Delta State University and we had great time! It lasted a little longer than the other plays so she got a little antsy towards the end. But she really enjoyed it and kept talking about all of the characters and how silly they were. Neil had a great day with Gramma and Granddaddy and the kids spent the rest of the day outside enjoying this beautiful weather! I tried to take some pictures of them but could not get a decent picture! Then on Thursday Lindsey came over to take some pics of him too, I really hope a few of them turn out.  I feel like the worst mother in the world to Neil because we have soo many good pictures of Camden her first year. Lindsey doesn't know this yet but if a few turn out good she will become our new family photographer :)

Here are a few of my pictures and you can see why photography will never be my forte`.

Being silly outside

Playing with new Valentine's from Gramma and Granddaddy

The picture I was trying to get was of her actually talking to the cast!
And they were all really sweet to pose for my picture!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Days!!!!

Yesterday we got the most snow I've ever seen (in the delta anyway)!!! Camden has been back out in it today as well.  Neil has just gotten over a cold so we did't chance him getting out in it this time. Thanks to Lindsey we made snow-cream with her super easy recipe. Check out the pics!

Lindsey's snow-cream recipe for anyone interested, I like this one because it has ingredients in it that we already have in the house and it didn't call for eggs. 

1 Gallon Snow
2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp vanilla

On another note I have neglected my blog because of my ironing, sewing, and all of my other responsibilities and actually considered letting it go for a while.  However after some interesting reading last night, I have decided that I will make blogging a priority.  It's the one thing that I can do for myself that doesn't cost anything and allows me to keep a record of the kids.  I am going to find a time and designate it once a week to blog :) I hope I can stick with it!