Saturday, September 25, 2010

Zoo Trip!!!!

On Saturday, September 25 Marvin, Camden and I headed to Memphis for a trip to the zoo!  Nana graciously offered to keep Neil so we could have some one on one time with Camden.  We had a blast and below are a few pictures from that day.

Checking out an armadillo

 Tons of otters playing in the water
This was her favorite animal! And of course we came home with a stuffed one.
 This guy loved the camera.

Hard to get smiles when there was so much to look at besides the camera.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day 2010

Since Marvin's job believes in laboring on Labor Day I took the babies to the hills!  We met up with Nana, Stacy, and Lily and headed for the creek.  This was the same creek we used to ride four-wheelers in as children with all of our cousins.  It is so beautiful and the white sand and crystal clear water make it a perfect place to take children.  Thank goodness Stacy had her wonderful camera with her, because as usual, I forgot mine. Check out some of the pics from that day....

Our Little Turtles

 Fun with Nana!

I think Lily wanted to drink the water.

Neil watched from the edge of the water.

Having a Cheeto snack

My favorite picture from the day!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Zoo Trip!!!!

On Saturday, September 25 Marvin, Camden and I headed to Memphis for a trip to the zoo!  Nana graciously offered to keep Neil so we could have some one on one time with Camden.  We had a blast and below are a few pictures from that day.

Checking out an armadillo

 Tons of otters playing in the water
This was her favorite animal! And of course we came home with a stuffed one.
 This guy loved the camera.

Hard to get smiles when there was so much to look at besides the camera.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day 2010

Since Marvin's job believes in laboring on Labor Day I took the babies to the hills!  We met up with Nana, Stacy, and Lily and headed for the creek.  This was the same creek we used to ride four-wheelers in as children with all of our cousins.  It is so beautiful and the white sand and crystal clear water make it a perfect place to take children.  Thank goodness Stacy had her wonderful camera with her, because as usual, I forgot mine. Check out some of the pics from that day....

Our Little Turtles

 Fun with Nana!

I think Lily wanted to drink the water.

Neil watched from the edge of the water.

Having a Cheeto snack

My favorite picture from the day!