Friday, April 30, 2010

Neil's 1st Bath

Well, we attempted Neil's first tub bath tonight. It went better than expected considering we haven't purchased a sling to lay him in and the fact that Camden wasn't too thrilled about sharing the tub with him.  He really enjoyed being in the warm water opposed to the sponge bath he has been getting. However once we took him out of the tub he started screaming to the top of his lungs then Camden decided to chime in just for kicks.  She wasn't crying or upset really, just trying to see if she could scream louder than he was (don't ask me who won). Ten minutes later Marvin and I were soaking wet and trying to dry off two screaming babies.  Fun times! We did get some of the first pleasant moments on video camera and after we get a sling or bath chair for him I'll post some pics.
I'm just glad to have Marvin home with us for the weekend! Having another adult in the house with me evens up the playing field in my mind, although they still probably have us out-witted in some way or another.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Babies & Fox

Mama was here the other day and we looked out the window and saw a fox walking down the road.  He even stopped to play with a frog and brought it into the yard.  This is the best my camera could do but if you zoom in on it you can clearly see it is a fox.

Mama's pretty boy.

Love my babies curls and blue eyes :)
Putting on her make-up with her mama.
Sweet Big Sister

Monday, April 19, 2010

Neil's Weight

Gramma came to watch Camden for a little while this morning and I took Neil for another weight check. Thankfully he is back up to his birth weight! My little man has gained a pound in only 11 days :) So glad he is a good eater. No pics right now because he has developed a severe case of baby acne:( Camden never really had any but poor Neil looks like a teenager going through some rough times.
Camden has decided if Neil is out of reach in another room crying it's her job to notify me. She runs to where I am and points in his direction. When I ask her what she wants she screams ahhhh to the top of her lungs and runs to where he is still screaming until I address the situation. It's funny and I'm glad I'm not having any headaches or two babies screaming to the top of their lungs wouldn't be so comical.
It's a beautiful day and they are both up from their naps so we are headed out to play until supper time!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Neil's Birth and Camden

Ok, so I could not ask for a better baby. I know he isn't very old but I'm gonna think positive and assume he will stay this way :) He lost down to 7 lbs 8 ounces when we left the hospital but the neonatilist (spelling?)assured me it was perfectly normal for bigger babies. His pediatrician was however a little concerned when we went for the first visit on Monday so he has to go back every few days to be weighed. Gramma (Marvin's mom) came yesterday to drive us to the doctor. He was up to 7 lbs 13 oz on Monday and yesterday he was already back to 8 lbs. I am not the least bit worried because this baby eats so much better than Camden did at first. He really is easy to feed and has latched on perfectly since day 1. I have no doubt that he will be back to his birth weight in no time.He is feeding every 3 hours which is heaven for me and he soothes himself back to sleep at night if he happens to wake up before the next feeding. We are using the pacifier some during the day though.
Camden is such a sweet big sister. She looks for his pacifier when he cries and is constantly bringing him toys. When he is in the swing she gently rocks him and points and says Neil regularly! I am so proud of her and the way she is adjusting and can't wait until next week when our family is back together again and we can begin to get into our new routine.

Waiting to meet her brother!
Proud Daddy bringing Neil out to meet his family.

Neil & Nana
Marvin and Dr. Cole checking up on Neil.
Camden and Gramma looking in on Neil

Lily visiting Neil in hospital.
 Holding brother for the first time.
Sweet baby boy.
Playing ball with Daddy.
 Showing out.
Trying to give Neil some of her water.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Neil Byron Sheffield

Today at 12: 57 p.m. we welcomed Neil Byron Sheffield into our family!  He was 8 lbs 6 ounces and 20 3/4 inches in length. His APGAR (spelling?) was 9.10.  He has sandy brown hair and is perfect in every way! Marvin was sooo supportive throughout the pregnancy and today with the pre-op and surgery.  I could not do this without his love and support.
Dr. Cole and staff were wonderful as usual and that helps make everyone feel comfortable. 
We are soo blessed to have 2 healthy children and I think this will complete our family:) Visitors today included Gramma and Granddaddy, Nana and P-Paw, Aunt Stacy & Uncle Allen (who by the way shares Neil's birthday) and of course Camden and Lily.  Camden was sweet and hopefully soon we can get lots of pics of them together!  Once we get home I will be able to post other pictures but these were the only ones I have so far.
Thank you all for your prayers and support!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter 2010

Well I guess it's better late than never :) Camden had a great Easter! We got up Sunday morning and went to church, and when we got back she got to see what the Easter Bunny left. We would have done it first but we all slept in too late:) Then we loaded up and headed to Grenada to have Easter lunch at Billie and Samy's house then an egg hunt in their yard. I wasn't sure how Camden would do since we failed to get in at least one dry run but she was a pro! She filled up her basket several times over and continued to hunt long after all the other children got bored and went inside. She was soo cute in her Easter dress and bunny ears. Here are several pictures from that day. For more pics from that day visit this site:

Gonna try to upload pics of Neil and Camden tomorrow...gotta keep my mind busy since Camden went to stay with Nana for a few days. I can't pick her up for the rest of this week so Nana graciously offered to take her home and Aunt Billie and Bobbie are going to keep her during the day. I know she is in good hands but I still can't help but feeling lonley without her in the house. I miss her terribly when she isn't here. I know this is for the best and will give me time to rest and recover and get to spend some one-on-one time with Neil (who by the way is the best baby in the world!)

Hey Mama! I think this one is a real egg:)

My precious baby's first egg hunt.

Happy Easter!!!


Helping Lily...

She picked up so many she had to start filling up Lily's basket!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Neil's 1st Bath

Well, we attempted Neil's first tub bath tonight. It went better than expected considering we haven't purchased a sling to lay him in and the fact that Camden wasn't too thrilled about sharing the tub with him.  He really enjoyed being in the warm water opposed to the sponge bath he has been getting. However once we took him out of the tub he started screaming to the top of his lungs then Camden decided to chime in just for kicks.  She wasn't crying or upset really, just trying to see if she could scream louder than he was (don't ask me who won). Ten minutes later Marvin and I were soaking wet and trying to dry off two screaming babies.  Fun times! We did get some of the first pleasant moments on video camera and after we get a sling or bath chair for him I'll post some pics.
I'm just glad to have Marvin home with us for the weekend! Having another adult in the house with me evens up the playing field in my mind, although they still probably have us out-witted in some way or another.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Babies & Fox

Mama was here the other day and we looked out the window and saw a fox walking down the road.  He even stopped to play with a frog and brought it into the yard.  This is the best my camera could do but if you zoom in on it you can clearly see it is a fox.

Mama's pretty boy.

Love my babies curls and blue eyes :)
Putting on her make-up with her mama.
Sweet Big Sister

Monday, April 19, 2010

Neil's Weight

Gramma came to watch Camden for a little while this morning and I took Neil for another weight check. Thankfully he is back up to his birth weight! My little man has gained a pound in only 11 days :) So glad he is a good eater. No pics right now because he has developed a severe case of baby acne:( Camden never really had any but poor Neil looks like a teenager going through some rough times.
Camden has decided if Neil is out of reach in another room crying it's her job to notify me. She runs to where I am and points in his direction. When I ask her what she wants she screams ahhhh to the top of her lungs and runs to where he is still screaming until I address the situation. It's funny and I'm glad I'm not having any headaches or two babies screaming to the top of their lungs wouldn't be so comical.
It's a beautiful day and they are both up from their naps so we are headed out to play until supper time!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Neil's Birth and Camden

Ok, so I could not ask for a better baby. I know he isn't very old but I'm gonna think positive and assume he will stay this way :) He lost down to 7 lbs 8 ounces when we left the hospital but the neonatilist (spelling?)assured me it was perfectly normal for bigger babies. His pediatrician was however a little concerned when we went for the first visit on Monday so he has to go back every few days to be weighed. Gramma (Marvin's mom) came yesterday to drive us to the doctor. He was up to 7 lbs 13 oz on Monday and yesterday he was already back to 8 lbs. I am not the least bit worried because this baby eats so much better than Camden did at first. He really is easy to feed and has latched on perfectly since day 1. I have no doubt that he will be back to his birth weight in no time.He is feeding every 3 hours which is heaven for me and he soothes himself back to sleep at night if he happens to wake up before the next feeding. We are using the pacifier some during the day though.
Camden is such a sweet big sister. She looks for his pacifier when he cries and is constantly bringing him toys. When he is in the swing she gently rocks him and points and says Neil regularly! I am so proud of her and the way she is adjusting and can't wait until next week when our family is back together again and we can begin to get into our new routine.

Waiting to meet her brother!
Proud Daddy bringing Neil out to meet his family.

Neil & Nana
Marvin and Dr. Cole checking up on Neil.
Camden and Gramma looking in on Neil

Lily visiting Neil in hospital.
 Holding brother for the first time.
Sweet baby boy.
Playing ball with Daddy.
 Showing out.
Trying to give Neil some of her water.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Neil Byron Sheffield

Today at 12: 57 p.m. we welcomed Neil Byron Sheffield into our family!  He was 8 lbs 6 ounces and 20 3/4 inches in length. His APGAR (spelling?) was 9.10.  He has sandy brown hair and is perfect in every way! Marvin was sooo supportive throughout the pregnancy and today with the pre-op and surgery.  I could not do this without his love and support.
Dr. Cole and staff were wonderful as usual and that helps make everyone feel comfortable. 
We are soo blessed to have 2 healthy children and I think this will complete our family:) Visitors today included Gramma and Granddaddy, Nana and P-Paw, Aunt Stacy & Uncle Allen (who by the way shares Neil's birthday) and of course Camden and Lily.  Camden was sweet and hopefully soon we can get lots of pics of them together!  Once we get home I will be able to post other pictures but these were the only ones I have so far.
Thank you all for your prayers and support!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter 2010

Well I guess it's better late than never :) Camden had a great Easter! We got up Sunday morning and went to church, and when we got back she got to see what the Easter Bunny left. We would have done it first but we all slept in too late:) Then we loaded up and headed to Grenada to have Easter lunch at Billie and Samy's house then an egg hunt in their yard. I wasn't sure how Camden would do since we failed to get in at least one dry run but she was a pro! She filled up her basket several times over and continued to hunt long after all the other children got bored and went inside. She was soo cute in her Easter dress and bunny ears. Here are several pictures from that day. For more pics from that day visit this site:

Gonna try to upload pics of Neil and Camden tomorrow...gotta keep my mind busy since Camden went to stay with Nana for a few days. I can't pick her up for the rest of this week so Nana graciously offered to take her home and Aunt Billie and Bobbie are going to keep her during the day. I know she is in good hands but I still can't help but feeling lonley without her in the house. I miss her terribly when she isn't here. I know this is for the best and will give me time to rest and recover and get to spend some one-on-one time with Neil (who by the way is the best baby in the world!)

Hey Mama! I think this one is a real egg:)

My precious baby's first egg hunt.

Happy Easter!!!


Helping Lily...

She picked up so many she had to start filling up Lily's basket!